Wednesday 10 October 2012

Tick Tock...

The best part of going to work each day, are the hugs at the end of the day when I get home.  Evie and Noli ran outside and into my arms the moment they saw the car in the driveway.  I barely had time to get out of the car.  Even Mimi had an especially big smile on her face when she saw me.

Time with the girls is at a premium now that I'm back at work.  The focus has shifted from quantity time to quality time.  The ideal is quality time in vast quantities but that's not always feasible.  Moreover when you have oodles of time at home, taking half an hour away from the girls isn't such a big deal.

Now however I am conscious how valuable each moment can be if I choose it to be.  I'm going to try to be more deliberate with the moments I can steal away with my girls, to make them count.  For example, Evie and I will regularly have 10-15 minutes together each morning waiting for the bus.  While it would be easy to let that time slip away in silence because I'm tired or am thinking about my coming day at work, I'm going to take the time to pause and give Evie my focused attention.  I'm going to be intentional in starting conversations with her so that those few minutes each morning become something more than time we spent simply waiting for the bus.  My hope is that it becomes a time that we both remember as being special.

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