Wednesday 31 October 2012

Another Halloween...another flu bug.  Oh yes, three sick girls...a cold wet day...yuck!!

It reminds me of two years ago.  Evie was 4 years old and really it was going to be her first year of proper trick or treating.  We were in London, Ontario living in a townhouse complex brimming with young families and student-types - the kind of people that really get into the whole trick or treating thing.  It was to be a banner year for acquiring candy - I was excited!  My nephews and niece came with my sisters and my parents.  It was truly a festive time.

After some pizza and games we head out to collect our bounty.  We got maybe five houses down the row of houses when Evie stopped and said that she had enough.  I was shocked.  Had enough candy?  I questioned if she was my child.  I tried persuading her to continue - but she would have none of it.
So we went home.

Shortly thereafter she came down with the worst flu that she has ever had and the next day Noli got a touch of it too.  I believe it was the dreaded H1N1.  We survived but not without the memories.

Now another Halloween is upon us and another form of the flu.  Fantastic.

These festive days...there's always so much build up and pressure to make them memorable and to have fun...when things don't turn out just right we have a choice.  We can let it spoil our day...or we can roll with the punches and make the best of it.  Remember we can't always control what happens to us, but we can control how we respond.

As we move from festivity to festivity - don't forget to take joy in the ordinary days too.  There are far more of those types of days that are just as useful for creating memories as the "special" days.

Happy Halloween Everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. I like you blog and by the way great photos. Have a great night
