Tuesday 12 March 2013

And So It Begins...Again

How I felt during my afternoon commute home.

Today was day two of my becoming a commuter via bicycle...again.  I've never been what you would call an avid cyclist.  Any hope I had of becoming an world-class elite cyclist (even in my wildest dreams) went out the window when I opted for a Nintendo over a new bike right around grade four or five.  I don't own even one matching racing uniform or even one item made of spandex.  I do have a couple of nifty biking t-shirts that I think make me look slick, but for the most part I'm all function and very little style or pizzaz.  I'm pretty sure my cycling form leaves much to be desired...never the less on Sunday evening I pulled my bike from the shed, pumped up the tires, greased the chain and checked my alignment and brakes.  Check, check and checkity-check!!  Ready to go!

All except for my helmet which mysteriously disappeared.  I'm pretty sure the squirrel that has taken up residence in my shed has taken it someplace - probably was using it to do some sledding through the winter.  I believe in safety first and managing risks so I looked for an alternative.  Little pink helmet with yellow flowers...to small.  Ahah!!  My wife's hockey helmet.  Good enough I said and so there I was riding to work, the suave consultant that I am, wearing a hockey helmet.

To discourage me further it was raining this morning.  Do you believe in zombies?  Take public transit during morning pique times in Ottawa and you may.  Nevertheless the prospect of joining the throng of zombie-like commuters on public transit was very tempting this morning.  The hum of the bus...the slightly uncomfortable warmth reminiscent of waking-up bundled in a sleeping bag in a warm tent, while the sun glistens off the dew that still hangs in the air...the score of other commuters passively screwing up their gumption to face another day through the rat race...there's just something about it all that's alluring.  But it's not for me, not now, not until at least October.  I recall a friend once telling me that you will know how committed you are when you face your first day of less-than-nice weather.  That was in the context of running, but it fits in this instance as well.  So I steeled my eyes, calmed my mind, stepped out of the house and away from the awning, hopped on my bike and realised I forgot my wallet - so I had to go back in the nice warm house and do it all again.  Then I was off!

Ow!  Two days in and I hurt.  I didn't know if I was going to make it home today.  The lactic acid build up in my legs was burning so badly I was having flashbacks to grade nine gym class at P.J. when Mr. C had us do the wall squat to the last man standing.  It had to be the slowest ride of my life.

But I won't quit, no I won't.  I've been down this road before (literally and figuratively).  It gets easier...and then comes the plateau where it seems harder again and then it's okay.  Sure I'm older now...it has been two years since I last biked to work.  Three years since I would call myself a regular cyclist-commuter.  I'm not in bad shape...yeah, I am.  I'm definitely not in great shape right now.  But that will come back (I hope - I'm not that old).  At my age there are many a footballers (American style) preparing for one last hurrah before retirement...so I've got some gas left in the tank.

I do like cycling.  It connects you more with the seasons.  It's cheaper than busing or parking.  It's healthier.  I drove by a gym this morning, huffing and puffing with my heart beating its way through my chest, and for a second I thought to myself, "Lucky folks - they have time to work out."  Then I paused...right.  Cycling insists that you be more engaged as well.  It's pretty easy to get on the bus and zone out.  Not so easy when you're dodging this and that while struggling for air and feeling in your legs.

Confession:  I am a lazy and undisciplined person, when the situation affords me to be.  Too often I make that allowance when it comes to physical activity also known as exercise.  This is one way to remedy that.

I'm glad I'm back up on the bike (repeat 5x).

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