Wednesday 1 May 2013

Green Thumb Season

 I've heard it said that it takes three years of working on a garden before it flourishes.  If that is the case then this summer is our summer.  After much work over the past three years including cutting trees down, clearing brush and debris, planting, weeding and landscaping (I mean really minor landscaping) I think we are ahead the curve this Spring for the first time.  We really have the bones of the garden in place and can spend our time and effort this summer in tweaking, refining and adding to it.

We started a couple of weeks ago by planting some seeds in planters indoors.  Those seedlings have sprouted and we moved them outdoors last weekend.  We also built a raised garden bed, filled it with some topsoil and therein planted carrots, onions and lettuce. 

Now the challenge will be trying to keep the pesky squirrels away from our bounty.  I've got a couple of ideas and have spoken to other gardeners about the little rascals and I'm confident we can deter them enough to give our food a fighting chance.

I've never considered myself a green thumb and if you would have told me that I'd be getting excited about gardening a few years ago I would have thought you were off your rocker.  But here we are and I am excited to watch our garden grow this year and take it to the next level.  It's incredibly gratifying to put your hand to your own land and see the results. 

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