Sunday 27 October 2013

Harvest Time...One Last Time

Behold the last of the bounty taken from our garden for the season.  It was a season of learning and growth and I'm proud to say that our foray into slightly more serious gardening was a great success.  We had an abundance of tomatoes throughout the summer, in fact the tomato plants are still producing though I'm sorry to say that the cold through the night is getting the best of them.  Our Swiss chard, spinach, green beans, and radishes all produced for us providing fresh salads regularly.  Even our tiny little apple tree bore fruit which the squirrels enjoyed most of all.

There was a lot of work upfront and we did what was required throughout the season including pulling weeds, repairing the mesh to keep the critters off our food and of course watering the plants when the rain wasn't sufficient.  The main thing we did was to provide the space, opportunity and the little things needed for plants to thrive; then we took a step back and let the plants do what plants are prone to do - that is to grow and produce fruit.

There's a lesson in all of this...Hmmm...

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